Trucks/Shuttle Buses: 541-223-5222 | All Other Insurance Types: 541-223-5222


  • taxi industry

    How the Taxi Industry Continues to Evolve in 2017

    According to a Wall Stree Journal article, Uber is valued at over $50 billion, making it the leading rideshare app…

  • taxi business

    How Taxi Companies Can Compete with Uber

    The taxi industry has always been a competitive one. But, with Uber showing out of nowhere and taking a huge…

  • taxi insurance

    Going Digital: Everything You Need from a Taxi Insurer in One Place

    If you’re a taxi driver, your car is your office, your grind, and your income. Making sure your livelihood is…

  • Getting Limo Insurance

    An Overview on Getting Limo Insurance

    Driving a limo is surely a thrilling experience. But the bigger the thrill, the bigger the discomfort if anything goes…

  • How Taxi Insurance is Changing in 2017

    For the most part, taxi insurance coincides both in coverage and expectations as fleet-style insurance. Dispatching taxis to various locations…
